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101 Delegates

In this section, you can see four different tables for ELITE, GDT, Sherwood , and Independent delegates. The total breakdown of sharing percentages are shown here. Note: '% personal use' means that a delegate has a discretion to give or release any amount of lisks anytime. Activities which a delegate exercises a full discretion are personal expenses, supporting a project, and donating for a prize. Example: If he/she can set any amount and can release funds anytime to support a project of his/her own choice, then that funds belong to a personal use. 

Calculation of total lisks a delegate can forge every month

Number of lisks a delegate can forge per block:  4 lisks
Processing time of each block:                                10 seconds
One month:                                                                 2,592,000 seconds
Number of forgers:                                                    101 delegates

Total forge lisks: (4 lisks * 2,592,000 seconds)/(10 seconds * 101 delegates) = 10,265.34 lisks

Therefore, a delegate can forge lisks approximately equal to 10,265 lisks per month.

Actual payout rate

After reading this, you are now totally aware that a majority of forging delegates kept more than 7,000 of their forged lisks (70%) per month as their personal shares. Let your voice be heard and ask questions.

UNTRACEABLE fund:                        ELITE fund that accumulates up to 29,256.22 lisks per month

BEST pool in giving payout:             Sherwood pool

WORST pool in giving payout:         GDT pool

HIGHEST % sharing ind. delegate: with 90%

© 2018 by dumberer. Lisk wallet address for this cause: 7547929882993370564L

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